Sunday, February 12, 2012

Double Trouble with D squared

Well, it's Judges' here at are turning blue from this cold . We just don't seem to be able to keep warm. So what is new with us ?. Well, the website is coming along nicely, and changes in the back will be being maade live very soon, so keep visiting and also keep buying!. This cold snap has not put you Judges' off looking for this seasons must have sunglasses. We are seeing Stella McCartney, Oliver Peoples and Gucci orders shooting out before we get them.

Well, we have so far visited Paris, Italy, USA, and good old Blighty. So on to another designer and a little further north than the USA....all cower, the Canadians have arrived. Yup, on the homepage in the list of designers you will see the label D Squared. It's not a Mathematics site we are sponsoring, like you fellow Judges' need all know what at least 10% of RRP off all orders sums up to don'you?. Yep, the Judges' prices....Top of the class all of you!!!.

D Squared hail from the spectacular city of Toronto, Canada, where they launched their menswear label back in 1994 with womenswear launching in 2003. The twin brothers are outspoken and often called 'cheeky' by the fashion press who can never get enough of their laid back luxury line.

The pair often use reference of Canadian sterotypes and real world in their collections whether it be truckers, cowboys, the pilgrims, mormons or cheerleaders. D Squared take these elements and create clothing and accessories which are fun yet classy. Using only the best, their clothing comes at a price, but no fear, you too can own a piece or two of D squared and start your own double trouble...

View the whole collection at

We know the blogs are a little shorter at present but dont worry, once these next couple of weeks are out of the way we will be back in full throttle. We know you can't wait for the Godfathers of fashion's installment, but until then Judges'....

keep them peeled,

The Judge.

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