Friday, February 24, 2012

And the winner is.....

Good day my fellow Judges,

I hope you are all fine and Dandy! Looking forward to the weekend … Here at we have been busy of late, what with the Fashion shows for A/W 2012 shows, customers coming into the shop looking at the new collections of optics and sunglasses. We have lots of great comments about our selections.

Well unless you have been living on the moon or in some far off country you may not be aware that it’s that time of year! Yup you Judges its awards time; we have already had The Grammy’s, The Bafta’s, The Mobo’s and recently we have had The Brit’s. The biggest award of the film world is upon us and the star’s of the big screen have been eating lettuce and bleaching and blitzing their bikini lines. Begging and stealing from any designer that is the one to watch.

The films are the obvious stars in the Oscars and they earn massive credence to popular and more art-house films also. For the past few weeks we at Judges Opticians have in our own time been enjoying some of the films our local cinemas have on the screen.

Well the firm favourite is ‘The Artist’ set to sweep the floor at the Oscar’s with multiple wins across the board. The film had us in awe set to a backdrop of the silent film industry in the transition of changing over to ‘talkies’. The film pay’s homage to Hollywood’s glorious hey days of the glamour and glitz of the 30’s. The stars would look equally at home in today’s styles the leading man Jean Dujardin would not look out of place in Oliver peoples sunglasses. The Starlet that looks so beautiful in everything she could easily go back in time and slot straight in to the silent era with the most beautiful features and expressive faces on film would look stunning in Miu Miu .

Another hopeful is ‘The Help’ which is set against a background of the changing political landscape of America and the changing attitude toward black housemaids in the civil rights era. The Star Viola Davis who plays one of the maids is up for an Oscar for best supporting actress and we think to finish the 60’s inspired look of Prada would look great on her.

Obviously we are loving ‘Warhorse' Speilberg created a masterpiece in this film and treated the subject with a great human story alongside a backdrop of the blood and squalid conditions of the first world war. The film itself is described as an epic and is deservedly recommended for various different award categories. The owner who is a young soon to be soldier played by Jeremy Irvine would look great in Paul Smith

The British made spy drama ‘Tinker, tailor, soldier, spy’ this is made in true Brit-flick all grit and in true sharp dressed elegance. The story itself is a classic and is known as one of the best spy dramas ever. The film has one of the best British casts to be seen in many a year. The cast as a whole would look fantastic in Dior homme any of the men would look great in these.

So we will be there on Oscars night with our popcorn and fake awards to see whether our Judgement on the films that are already held in high regard win their just rewards.

Keep ‘em peeled Judges,

The Judge

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