Saturday, February 4, 2012

Aviators are so over!

Well it's the weekend and the reason I am writing this is due to something in the current edition of UK Vogue!...It may come as a surprise to many , but the style savvy have decided to throw all caution to the wind and declare you unfit for society if you are seen in a pair of aviators this season....
They say that VISORS are the best investment , but here at we think they are not everyone's cup of earl Grey. Of course we have them (PRADA, PRADA LINEA ROSSA, GUCCI,DIOR, and many more) but we also have a lot more to choose from, so take a peek and forget all about last years aviators and invest in something new. We think that ROUND is the way forward. I promise that you won't look like the love child of Arthur Askey and Hirohito¬!!
Anyway, to share something funny with you that happened in a local supermarket express store,as I went through the door my ipod changed to a rather shameful Mika track (how sad am I?!). Not only that, but when i went to pay the lady serving had on a pair of shorts and a pair of nifty sunglasses. I asked 'have you actually been out there today? You must be freezing!'. The reply (her name on the badge was Chantelle.....spelt the French way she informed me!....what other way is there to spell it i felt like asking, but i was brought up 'proper' so i didn't!). The reply was a classic 'yeah i have ; I am sick of everyone moaning it's cold so thought I'll pretend I am on holiday, the day is wizzing by, and people are smiling, that's what it's all about'. So either this famous supermarket needs to start random drug testing its staff or maybe this young lady is on to something. A bright outlook and a smile costs nowt as my gramps used to say!. Her sunglasses were a christmas present to herself she also said and a rather nifty pair of Paul Smith's were being sported.
Regards, The Judge.

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