Sunday, December 15, 2013

Winter wonderland with sendoptics.

Good afternoon Judges'.
We are feeling cold and drab in this miserable weather, watching 'Despicable me 2' on netflix, hoping it will bring a smile to our faces.....and I was thinking, what could bring a smile to my lovely followers?
Well, generosity is my middle name, so if you enter PROMO CODE ...... MC123 CHECK-OUT, you will receive a further 10% discount on your chosen sunglass......already for christmas!!
How can you refuse!!!!!
Let me give you some forward advice for the 2014 season....... Hardy Amies and Celine are going to be hot, hot, hot!

We have seen the sales rocket on theses two brands.....the quintessentially dandy British look with Hardy Amies has appealed to you chaps world wide. very popular with our Australian cousins, and do not forget,
.......when you reside outside the EU, you get them 20% off as you do not pay tax.

i realise you can not put both codes on at check out, so put the discount code in, and we will manually take your off you tax. So although the input looks higher, what we will be taking will be minus the tax.
The Celine sunglasses, although majority women, have some great men's sunglasses launched recently.
Strong in look and colour, and complements the clothing and accessories.
Well, I hope that cheers you up Judges'
Remember to sign up to our facebook page or twitter page, and we will keep you informed of all the up and coming brands we are launching......and my God, you will be fashionistas will be salivating!
Keep 'em peeled Judges',
and remember,
lead, don't follow.
The Judge.

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