Sunday, April 8, 2012

Prada Sport packs a big punch....

Hello Judges,
Are you fine and dandy ? Enjoying the sun and the brighter evenings? I am spending far too much time out on the decking where I am, as I settle to write this Blog. The sun is currently high with only a few white clouds floating across the wedgewood blue sky. Summer is here Judges. So who has the BBQ out today, or is it salad time to make sure we look amazing on the beach ? those abs baby!!!....or just breathe in for 2 weeks!
I am currently looking at where to take myself and the family for our Grande Vacances ? I am currently throwing Sardinia or Italy into the mix along with Spain. The Euro crisis will not stop this Judge from 2 weeks well earned break. I hope you Judges like myself are planning a Summer Trip, If so don't forget to take at least one pair of sunglasses to protect your peepers.
Well I don't know about you Judges I am glad the sun is spending so much time with us so I can spend the time outside. I am getting fed up with the same re-runs of T.V shows and as for football taking over the channels . God help me when it comes to the Olympics.
So you may have noted various things changing on the website. Appart from our special savings to you Judges we are trying our hardest to complete the final spring clean the 6 months that it has taken so far has been amazing for us here seeing your reactions to our little changes and overhauls. The formula will always remain the same great service, and competitive prices.
Well I don't know about you Judges I am glad the sun is spending so much time with us so I can spend the time outside. I am getting fed up with the same re-runs of T.V shows and as for football taking over the channels . God help me when it comes to the Olympics. Princess Beatrice running the 10k run for life last weekend, now that is one lady I think could do with a huge pair of sunglasses ( XXL).
Talking of Sports and the Olympics if you have looked on the banner you may have noticed Prada Linea rossa sunglasses latest ad campaign is fronted by Britain's very own Boxing superstar Amir Khan amongst other's. Prada is going for gold with the images of these Heavyweights hitting home the message that if you are serious about your sports then Go for Prada Sport sunglasses.
Well I am off to do my Circuit of squats, press up's and skipping ( I am not very good at the skipping )
So for today Judges keep them peeled
Spread the love and the message.... is home of discounted designer sunglasses
Stay protected and keep in touch.
Keep 'em peeled,
The Judge

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